Upcoming Courses

Watsu 1

Is composed of Basic Watsu (16 hours, 2/3 days ) and Transition Flow (34 hours, 3/4 days).

These 2 stages can be completed separately or in consecutive days

This will complete your training in Watsu 1 and increase your Watsu skills for the start of the full Watsu Practitioner Programme. See www.watsu.com for full Watsu Practitioner requirements.

Includes: Course notes, WABA registration, log book and certification

• Learn therapeutic handling alongside breath awareness

• Learn transitions into and out of Watsu’s major positions
• Learn how to effectively incorporate stillness into treatment
• Learn how to maintain alignment of the client and therapist

• Learn about one’s own body mechanics to support and move clients effortlessly and safely in the water.


This is a life-long skill. All participants will receive certification and be registered with WABA (the Worldwide Aquatic Bodywork Association Registry ). Their Watsu training hours will be logged with WABA and shall count toward further training should they wish to progress toward becoming full Watsu Practitioners.

Current hydrotherapy practitioners would be able to incorporate Basic Watsu principles and movements in their current work – thereby enhancing their ability to serve their clients.

While those not already engaged professionally in hydrotherapy will be able to use what they’ve learned with family and friends.

COST: from Jan 2019

The cost is £750 per person for tuition, plus the travel and accommodation costs for the Watsu Instructor shared between participants. Additional costs might be pool/venue hire which depend on the location of the training.

Basic Watsu £325 pp Transition Flow £425 pp  Tuition only

If the training happens at your pool, then any hire costs would be covered by you.


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